Support and guidance of the birth of ideas to its industrialization and market entry
Centre BIO: Bioindustries, Biorefineries and Bioproducts
Unique and pioneering technological infrastructure in Portugal.
"Centre BIO: Bioindustries, Biorefineries, and Bioproducts" project consists in the creation of a new technological facility coming from an internationally emergent area: Biorefineries, Bioindustries and Bioproducts. It is a unique infrastructure for the development of "Smart Economy and Regions" and Circular Economy.
A new technological area for Portugal with potential for implementation, since lignocellulosic resources and hydrocarbons are widely available and can be transformed in new valuable products, thus promoting the development of new industries and companies in this area.
The main purpose of this project was to recover the abandoned facilities and transform it into several infrastructural units, functionally different but all essential for management, operation and promotion of the overall infrastructure in terms of research, support to the economic fabric and idea/project development (pre-incubation/incubation and enterprise acceleration).
This project was co-funded by NSRF in the "Mais Centro" Programme through the European Regional Development Fund, in a total of 2,685,150.00 €.
Development and industrialization of 2nd and 3rd generation biorefinery units,
for the production of petroleum substitutes.
The BioREFINA-TER is a multidisciplinary R&D+i project within a network of entities, designed to implement advanced technologies in the conversion of wastes and residues from the agroforest value chains and marginal land, into advanced biofuels and bioproducts in order to replace fossil fuels.
The present project has managed to bring together an international knowledge network of 55 R&D organizations from 9 European countries. It started in 2011 with a Portuguese State fund, through IFAP, of 0.5 million euros. The first stage, allowed progression of the scientific and technical knowledge regarding the conversion of heathland biomass and forest residues to 2nd generation advanced biofuels (direct replacements for gasoline and diesel).
The BioREFINA-TER project aims to construct an industrial demonstration biorefinery unit, with a capacity of 25 million litters per year of 2nd generation biofuels, which do not compete with the food sector or the wood processing industry. The pilot territory will cover the cities of Arganil, Góis, Oliveira do Hospital and Tábua with an investment of 125 million euros for 4 municipalities. The industrial demonstration unit will be used as an example to be replicated throughout Portugal. This project also aims to create the first international region with full fossil energy autonomy, meaning that the existent natural resources will allow the generation of enough energy for the current economic activity.
This innovation project, which aims to rejuvenate and revitalize the socio-economic fabric of the region, has already been considered by the Portuguese State as a project of national interest and is currently the largest Portuguese ongoing project in the area of biorefineries/biodindustries. It is considered an alternative to the fight of large-scale forest fires and the mitigation of the environmental, economic and social impacts caused by this paradigm.
According to a recent survey conducted by BLC3, forest fires may represent a national economic loss of 800 million to 1 billion euros. Also, an annual saving of 4.500 to 6.000 million euros in petroleum import will allow Portugal to tackle two of the major issues in the country - forest fires and petroleum dependency.
Bioeconomy and "Smart Regions"
Valorisation of natural and biological resources, as well as those not used efficiently by the economic activity, in a circular economy concept and industrial/regional symbioses format.
EU 2020 Strategy, announced in 2010, includes Bioeconomy as an important component with three major strategic priorities:
- Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation;
- Sustainable growth: promoting a greener, more efficient and competitive economy; and
- Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion.
Bioeconomy refers to the sustainable production and transformation of organic natural resources in a variety of bioproducts, food, biomolecules, other industrial products and energy. Includes all industries, sectors, management operations and any other way to use natural resources, including organic wastes.
Modern Bioeconomy is based on knowledge and innovation from life sciences and other technologies such as engineering, chemistry, computer science and nanotechnology. The development of bioeconomy allows the "re-industrialization" of the territory through its own resources and the primary sector revitalization.
At the enterprise-level, the Inner Region economic fabric needs technical and structural support, as well as the introduction of innovative ideas, new technologies for resources transformation and valorisation: "value the Land". It also requires the settlement of young critical mass to counterattack the increasing desertification. The "Bioeconomy and Smart regions" project has been developed within these concepts, and is currently working towards the development of "Bioeconomy and Smart Regions" in territories with specific economic development needs, low population density and in menace.
Educational innovation for children's sustainable development: New learning model and scientific
literacy promotion.
Lab-i-DUCA is a R&D project that appeared as a response to the "Agenda 21 Escolar" and follows the UE strategy for the promotion of smart growth. This project is being developed by BLC3 Association in consortium with the schools from the region "Beira Serra", since 2012.
BLC3, in association with several national and international institutions, has been developing work strategies and taking great efforts in the educational field for a sustainable juvenile development, in which this project is integrated, having the support of "CiênciaViva" to carry out to scientific literacy activities promotion for a year.
Thus, this project aims to promote/contribute to a sustainable development in its main areas (Economic, Social and Environmental), advocating: (1) the promotion of self-worth by stimulating physical/mental skills and well-being, as well as the stimulation and personal development of students, taking into account the local values; (2) the economic valorisation of endogenous resources, through human capital qualification; (3) promotion of an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit in young people, by encouraging creativity and other mechanisms; (4) the use of information technologies and informatics in order to monitor/track the development of the aforementioned skills and assist in the development of tools and methods to evaluate them and stimulate the students.
Alternative use and valorisation of cheese factory effluents.
Effluents from cheese factories are an issue of great concern to all the direct and indirect economic agents in the affected areas. The cheese industry is of significant importance to the region and the primary sector, yet there are difficulties in treating and minimizing the environmental impacts of its effluents.
Following two years of research and study by BLC3 researchers, the project to use and value the effluents from cheese factories is in the patent phase, with enormous potential for the region, both in the production of new products and in the very significant minimization of the environmental problems caused by this type of effluent, with the prospect of improving the quality of life of the affected populations, water resources and soils.
BLC3 managed to bring together the cheese producers of the municipality of Oliveira do Hospital. The characterization of this sector has been completed and it has been concluded that the volume of effluent from cheese factories in the region is significant, approximately 18 million litres per year. At this stage, various municipalities and entities are showing interest in the work carried out by BLC3, with the municipality of Oliveira do Hospital taking centre stage, having supported and promoted this project from the outset.
Young Farmers' Club
Development of professional agriculture in the region linked to the production of St Bartholomew pears, regional apple varieties and other farms with a focus on smallholdings.
This project is the result of the Young Farmers' Club created at the Technology and Innovation Centre. To date, it represents an investment of around 1.7 million euros and the planting of approximately 60 hectares of apple and pear trees in S. Bartolomeu. It is the first professional structure for young farmers in the region of Arganil, Oliveira do Hospital, Tábua and Seia.
Fruit ECO-Drying Line
A pilot unit for the automatic and eco-efficient dehydration of fruit as a way of valorising regional products.
At a time when the world is showing a great appetite for dried fruit - highly valued on international markets - BLC3's project aims to innovate with a new "modus operandi" and valorise one of the region's greatest regional treasures: the St Bartholomew pear, also known as Pera Passa, which has almost disappeared due to a lack of technological investment.
The R&TD project, co-financed by QREN and with an overall investment value of 603,623.10 euros, includes the creation of a pilot unit that peels, dehydrates, spreads and packs the pears, automating the entire circuit, from production to entry into the commercial chain, with the aim of making this line eco-efficient in order to make the process competitive. The tests carried out in the pilot unit will later allow this great regional asset to be industrialised and recovered for the national and international markets. The main production area for the fruit of the S. Bartolomeu pear tree is in the municipalities of Oliveira do Hospital, Tábua, Seia and some municipalities of Viseu, Nelas, Gouveia, Mangualde and Santa Comba Dão.
Cheese Value
Research project aimed at enhancing the value chain of Serra da Estrela PDO cheese.
The main aim of this R&TD project, supported by the QREN/MaisCentro structural funds and with a total investment of 338,647.93 euros, is to enhance the value of a (PDO) cheese by developing an applied research project to build a prototype for making soft cheese unidoses.
This project is being promoted by BLC3, the Paulo Rogério company and the University of Minho. Serra da Estrela PDO cheese is considered to be one of the best in the world. However, due to the inability to valorise it among consumers, it has been subject to a great deal of market indiscipline, risking extinction. With the aim of enhancing the value chain, both for milk producers and for the cheese factories that make this mountain delicacy with a Protected Designation of Origin from sheep's milk of the "Bordaleira Serra da Estrela" breed, the project will have the following phases: (a) Creation of an analytical "kit" that differentiates the cheese produced with milk from the "Bordaleira Serra da Estrela" breed from that which incorporates milk imported from Spain or breeds from other geographical regions; (b) Elimination of moulds, which make it difficult to preserve the cheese after 35 to 40 days of ripening; (c) Slicing the product into individual portions to meet new consumption standards, with packaging at the peak of quality, using packaging that maintains the texture of the slice and allows it to be preserved without moulds.
Centre for Applied Mycology
Identification, study and valorisation of wild mushroom varieties.
Mushrooms play a key role in ecosystems. Changes in natural resources and habitats in relation to land use, pollution, fires, exotic species and climate all have the potential to influence the structure and composition of mushroom communities. In this context, the value of the diversity and characteristics of mushrooms in nature are critical research topics in order to address the health, productivity and sustainability of ecosystems. It is therefore of critical importance to assess the value of native mushroom diversity from a local, national to international scale, in order to increase mushroom reserves in Europe. Similarly, high value-added mushrooms have greater representation in the emerging critical support field of bioindustry (e.g. biotechnology, biomedicine, bioenergy), while providing an attractive economic return and ecosystem services. Some of the high value-added mushroom species gain greater importance not only because of their value for ecosystem functions, but also due to their organoleptic and nutritional properties or the presence of bioactive compounds. In addition, some mushroom soils establish a symbiotic relationship with plant roots, called mycorrhizae, which are recognised as critical mediators in biological and ecological processes, including nutrient cycling, plant health, soil protection and the control of biological root diseases.
The mission of the Centre for Applied Mycology (CMA) is to provide basic and applied research into the diversity and characteristics of value-added functional mushroom stocks, focusing attention on the declining biodiversity, environmental threats and socio-economic problems facing Mediterranean forests today, but also on opportunities for sustainable and innovative business initiatives and decision-making assistance. The CMA|BLC3 also seeks a new national and international research platform in order to understand and improve the identity of value-added mushroom reserves, to restore and protect native biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as to determine productive efficiency solutions, thus ensuring environmental safety. The main objectives of the CMA|BLC3 are: (1) to document the diversity of value-added mushrooms in nature and in Europe; (2) to develop biotechnological knowledge; (3) to build capacity to valorise the diversity and characteristics of native mushroom species to support sustainable planning management and industrial innovation; (4) to build capacity to support agroforestry and bioindustrial administration at European level (e. g. products, production systems, production systems, etc.). e.g. products, production systems, and the development of a set of quality and sustainability indicators and criteria); (5) ) to develop and promote networks of knowledge and awareness about the value of native biodiversity in Europe, as well as actions relating to conservation and sustainability.
CMA|BLC3 is currently cooperating with Portuguese, Spanish and Italian research centres.
Value MicotecTruf Project
Controlled production systems for wild mushrooms and truffles.
Exploring the economic potential of the values and co-products of forest ecosystems is the aim of the biotechnology project that BLC3 is developing jointly with the Centre for Functional Ecology at the University of Coimbra and Voz da Natureza - a BLC3 incubated and spin-off company active in scientific and technological research for the development of innovative products.
The project aims to develop the production of native wild mushrooms in the inland centre of the country and to investigate the favourable conditions for the production of truffles - soil fungi that form underground mushrooms. This project was co-financed by QREN, with a total investment of 465,554.18 euros. ValueMicotecTruf will contribute not only to the phytosanitary health of ecosystems but also to the development of high value-added economic activity.
Leveraging the region's clothing and textiles sector in a collaborative and co-operative format, with the development of new products.
The textile sector in the Beira Serra region has a strong role as an employer and economic activity for the region. In this context, BLC3 is boosting a textile cluster to enhance the sector, develop new products and connect with the Scientific and Technological System. This cluster is made up of 9 companies from the Centre region.
This union will increase the capacity to generate added value in current production lines by producing products with greater added value.
S-MOBIL Project (Electric Mobility)
"Smart, Sustainable, Small, Sharing and Self Mobility" is a new low-cost mobility model.
S-MOBIL is an electric mobility project based on 5 pillars: "Smart", "Small", "Self", "Security" and "Sustainable". This project is currently in the pilot development phase and is creating a new "low-cost" electric mobility business model with the capacity to respond to the challenges inherent in mobility systems.
LIFE No_Waste
Management of ash biomass and organic waste in the recovery of degraded soils: a pilot project located in Portugal
The main objective of this project is to evaluate, demonstrate and disseminate the sustainable use of ash (from the combustion of forest biomass residues), combined with organic waste (sludge from the pulp and paper industry or compost), to regenerate degraded soils in mining areas, in line with the EU's "Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection". The project will reduce the impact of waste from the pulp and paper industry on the environment and provide better utilisation of resources, in line with the "End-of-Waste" criteria, contributing to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.
To demonstrate the potential of organic waste in combination with ash for soil regeneration, the project will focus on the in-situ application of soil improvers, using a combination of two types of materials that have an alkaline pH and high Ca, Mg, Na, K and P contents (biomass ash) and high organic matter content (biological sludge and compost), on a pilot scale in three mining areas located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. A decision support system will also be developed for the sustainable management and large-scale utilisation of biomass ash.
Coordinating beneficiary: University of Aveiro
Associated beneficiaries: Associação BLC3 - Campus de Tecnologia e Inovação, EDM - Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro, S.A., Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Portucel, S.A. and RAIZ - Instituto de Investigação da Floresta e Papel.
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Transfere Empreende
The "Transfere Empreende" project aims to promote the entrepreneurial spirit in the region of Alfândega da Fé and neighbouring municipalities with a focus on qualified and creative youth entrepreneurship, which will enable critical mass to be established in the region.
The project aims to identify, study and valorise native truffle varieties and new applications for the food industry.
Truffles are increasingly becoming a high value-added product and their by-products are gaining prominence in the gourmet sector. Through the Truflavours project, the consortium - Voz da Natureza, Associação BLC3 and Escola Superior Agrária - aims to apply and develop new technologies for the agroforestry, catering and food industry sectors. With a view to creating top quality products with an innovative and differentiating character, the Truflavours project aims to explore various business opportunities associated with the two main products: ( i ) mycorrhised plants with Tuber and Terfezia; and ( ii ) truffle flavours for application in the food industry. To this end, it aims to carry out scientific research activities, particularly in terms of bioreactor biotechnology for the production of natural truffle flavours and truffle culture.
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The MicoCoating initiative aims at applying bioactive compounds, through mushrooms that produce functional compounds, in edible coatings for the food market.
Nowadays, increasing shelf life through the organic market, by significantly reducing preservatives in the context of the clean label market, as well as the growing demand for healthier foods, constitutes a major challenge for the food industry. Edible films and coatings have great potential to help achieve longer shelf times, while ensuring food safety and quality attributes. Market demands have led to the need for alternative compounds for application in coatings, which prevent food spoilage and ensure quality, as expected by the consumer. Compounds that make up coatings must meet certain requirements, such as having a natural origin, be renewable and edible, and should, if possible, endow coatings with bioactive and preservative properties.
The search for new compounds has opened up new opportunities for the incorporation of natural preservatives derived from plants, animals, bacteria, algae and fungi that act as antioxidant and antimicrobial agents. Mushrooms are a type of fungi which is used not only as a source of food, but also as a potential source of antimicrobials and antioxidants. Thus, wild mushrooms (forest co-products, without food value) and production mushrooms (using agroforestry substrates) present a major opportunity for the production of valued-added products.
Considering the latest developments, the main objective of this enterprise is to apply bioactive compounds of natural origin, through mushrooms that produce functional compounds, in edible coatings for the food market, in order to increase shelf life, assigning new properties, such as antioxidant, antimicrobial and enzymatic activity.
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FitoMicorrizas - Production of mycorrhizal plants
The FitoMicorrizas Initiative aims to achieve new strategies to enhance the value of native forest resources through the application and development of new solutions to increase the productive efficiency of mycorrhizal plants and wild mushrooms.
The aim of this initiative is to use phytoestrogens to improve the interaction between the fungus and the plant, in order to create more favourable conditions for the establishment of symbiotic association between the two organisms. This will create added value in order to make sustainable areas of indigenous species exploited at long rotations, creating a short-term economic return through the production of edible mushrooms, enhancing and innovating their production. Portugal and its forest have the optimal conditions for the biological production of wild mushrooms, influenced by two types of climates: the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. There are, however, factors other than climate, which increase the complexity and diversity of the Portuguese forest, such as soil nature, proximity to the sea and altitude, contributing for the unique conditions of the proliferation and development of intense flavour.
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Nature Bioactive Foods
Development of bioactive food products and ingredients through endogenous Portuguese agricultural resources for the promotion of healthy eating habits.
In response to consumer demands, products with natural herbal ingredients and their extracts are becoming more abundant in the market, especially in the form of snacks and beverages, which has led to increasing research and innovation in the field of plant ingredients. However, herbal ingredients and their extracts are mainly obtained from non-endogenous species (eg ginseng and hibiscus), neglecting Portuguese endogenous plant resources, such as traditional fruits (eg saplings or apple-sized, cherry-sized and quince-sized fruit) and herbs (rosemary and mint).
Scientific research has proved that Portuguese endogenous plant species are, indeed, rich in bioactive compounds, although its true value is still unappreciated.
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The PinusResina enterprise aims to identify / establish new value chains for the safe and competitive transformation and recovery of pine resin in high value-added products, in order to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of Portugal's wild pine forest.
Innovation and an increasing knowledge about an important resource of the Portuguese forest supports its differentiated exploitation when compared to foreign producers, improving efficiency and competitiveness in forest management.
Portuguese resin stands out from the rest due to its superior quality and potential application in the fine chemistry industry. It is, however, an unexplored resource, as its influence and variability on resin gum quality is still largely underappreciated. The process involves the bio-transformation of its compounds (acids), mainly through isomerization, into abietic acid, and into dehydroabietic, through dehydrogenation: creation of new products with potential application in the fine chemical industry.
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ProDOP Serra da Estrela
Guaranteeing the genuineness and quality of Serra da Estrela PDO Cheese, made exclusively with milk from Serra da Estrela and Churra Mondegueira Bordaleira breed sheep, thus improving product competitiveness.
Serra da Estrela cheese is a PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) product, famous for its creamy consistency and unique sensory characteristics (one of the best mountain cheeses in the world and one of the 7 Wonders of Portuguese Gastronomy). However, due to market pressures and lack of market adaptability, its value has fallen by 30% since 2000.
As a PDO product, Serra da Estrela cheese is limited to a specific geographical area, origin of raw materials and manufacture and marketing conditions, in order to keep its PDO status (promoting its unique attributes and boosting brand credibility). ). Guaranteeing the origin of raw materials is one of the greatest challenges involved in the production of Serra da Estrela cheese.
Despite the requirement for exclusive use of milk from Serra da Estrela and Churra Mondegueira sheep, its quality must still be ensured.
The ProDop project aims to develop rapid and cost-effective techniques and methodologies for the validation and assessment of milk quality.
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Technological Demonstration of a Lignocellulosic Biomass Pyrolysis Process in Biorefinery Concept.
SuperPi intends to carry out the technological demonstration of a lignocellulosic biomass pyrolysis process, in a biorefinery context, based on a system of “multi-input” of simultaneous raw materials from bushes and agroforestry residues, for the production of “Bio-oil” for future cascade enhancement (advanced biofuels and other bioproducts with high value-added products) through technological optimization of an existing process in place at BLC3. It offers great potential for the development of economic activity in territories abandoned by the valorization of bushes, providing positive externalities in the mitigation of large rural / forest fires by reducing fuel loads.
The SuperPi project is co-financed by Fundo de Apoio à Inovação in the amount of 199.848,00 Euros.
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Creating value with agri-food and forest by-products.
This project aims to provide a platform for the valorisation of by-products from the agricultural, agri-food and forestry sector through the following approach methodology:
- Create an observatory of results of national and international projects, with the aim of finding new applications for by-products of the sectors (subsectors) mentioned above;
- Conduct a survey among the members of the National Rural Network (RRN) to identify and characterize the by-products, with residual or even negative economic value, resulting from their activities. This survey should also verify the existence of members that can add value to other members' by-products;
- Streamline periodic technology transfer sessions, that alert to new ways of valuing by-products. These sessions should transmit handling and care of the materials (by-products) in question, so that they do not lose their characteristics and recovery potential (volatile molecules, biochemical transformations, changes in humidity levels, etc.);
- Create a platform in a web environment that enables a meeting exchange between producers of by-products and its users. Thus, those who produce can refer to location, quantities and qualities, allowing the "new user" to easily find his "supplier";
- Assess the socio-economic impact of the project.
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3i Bioeconomia
Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
The 3i Bioeconomia project aims to boost a network of skills for knowledge transfer and technological intensification in Bioeconomy established by its copromoters for the business sector, valorising the results of R&I according to the market. Furthermore, it focuses on promoting the transfer of technology and knowledge to the market in its various sectors and with a territorial coverage extended to the North, Centre and Alentejo regions, as well as the positive externalities resulting from its implementation, in particular with the creation of new companies, and consequently with the generation of more employment.
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BioVino Project
Cross-border strategy for the eco-sustainable valorisation of waste biomass from the wine and vineyard sector in integrated biorefineries for the production of biofuels and bioproducts.
The project "BioVino: Desarrollo de una Estrategia Transfronteriza para la valorización ecosostenible de biomasas residuales del sector vinícola y vitivinícola en Biorrefinerías Integrales para la producción de Biocombustibles y Bioproductos", is supported by the Spanish-Portuguese Interreg V A Cooperation Programme (POCTEP) with a total investment of 626,641.93 euros.
This project involves the participation of the Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León (ITACyL), Universidad de León (ULE), Centro Tecnológico de Investigación Multisectorial (CETIM), Association BLC3- Technology and Innovation Camopus (BLC3), the Centre for Biological Engineering (CEB) from the University of Minho and the Associate Laboratory CICECO from the University of Aveiro (UA).
The main objective of the project is to develop a biorefinery platform in the regions of Castilla y León, Galicia, Northern and Central Portugal from solid viticultural and wine industry waste.
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RHAQ NORTE: Biological Resources: from Molecular Biology to Waste
Valorisation of the biological resources of the Northern region of Portugal, from the biodiversity of endogenous agro-forestry resources to waste generation, through the constitution of a multidisciplinary team.
The project "Biological Resources: from Molecular Biology to Waste" intends to develop activities at the research and innovation level, based on 2 strategic blocks: (1) molecular biology and plant biotechnology and (2) waste generated by the Agroforestry and Agro-Food sectors. Technical and scientific activities will be developed, as well as the transfer and valorisation of knowledge, which will promote the development and exploitation of plant and mycological biological resources that are strategic in socio-economic terms and adapted to the edaphic-climatic conditions of the Northern region. In order to respond to the high competitiveness needs of the local agro-food and agro-forestry sector, the knowledge developed in the operation will be applied to the development of new technologies, products and services of interest to the market. In this way, the project also contributes to the promotion of entrepreneurship among the local population, supporting the creation or modernization of companies interested in commercializing the technologies or solutions developed.
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RHAQ CENTRO: BioAgroForest 4.0
Valorisation of the biological resources of the Northern region of Portugal, from the biodiversity of endogenous agro-forestry resources to waste generation, through the constitution of a multidisciplinary team.
The project "Biological Resources: from Molecular Biology to Waste" intends to develop activities at the research and innovation level, based on 2 strategic blocks: (1) molecular biology and plant biotechnology and (2) waste generated by the Agroforestry and Agro-Food sectors. Technical and scientific activities will be developed, as well as the transfer and valorisation of knowledge, which will promote the development and exploitation of plant and mycological biological resources that are strategic in socio-economic terms and adapted to the edaphic-climatic conditions of the Northern region. In order to respond to the high competitiveness needs of the local agro-food and agro-forestry sector, the knowledge developed in the operation will be applied to the development of new technologies, products and services of interest to the market. In this way, the project also contributes to the promotion of entrepreneurship among the local population, supporting the creation or modernization of companies interested in commercializing the technologies or solutions developed.
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Strengthen research, technological development and
innovation (IDEAS)
The project aims to create a Circular Economy Innovation Hub, an innovation ecosystem with a strong European reference in the area of Circular Economy that will focus on the development and transfer of knowledge and technology to the market. Its creation comes as a direct response to the Circular Economy challenges, and will utilize the expertise, knowledge, resources and capabilities that exist on the BLC3 Technology and Innovation Campus.
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I-CERES: Innovation and advanced Production systems applied to strategic “Trás-os-Montes” plants and fungi based on biotechnology and digitalization.
The I-CERES operation aims to contribute to the strengthening of R&D&I, technological development and innovation capacities of Trás-os-Montes through a Structured R&D&I Project. I-CERES looks to develop advanced and innovative systems (Biotechnology and Digitalization) for the production of strategic plants and fungi in the region, contributing to leverage the agroforestry sector in low-density territories such as the Trás-os-Montes region.
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StartUp Zero
Promote sustainability, quality of employment and support labour mobility.
StartUp Zero is an innovation and entrepreneurship project focused on the transition towards circular economy. The project combines the acceleration of circular business models in order to create market value with the empowerment of consumers, starting with young people frequenting lower secondary education.
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Biofunctional product with high efficiency of circularity, in transformation and conservation. Application of advanced technologies of extraction and incorporation of bioactive compounds.
This project aims to develop an innovative and sustainable solution for the transformation of fresh figs into compotes and jam. This solution is based on the extraction and incorporation of bioactive compounds from the fig row's own biowaste, contributing to the functionality of the food, and reducing the sugar content, while also conserving the nutritional quality and sensory aspects of figs. Thus, this project aims to enhance the enjoyment of the health benefits of figs, by the consumers, while contributing to the Circular Economy.
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To strengthen research, technological development and innovation.
BeirInov aims to ensure sustainability in the value chain of smoked and cooked sausage products from the Serra da Estrela Region. This combines two aspects of sustainability: in the product (elimination of chemical preservatives) and in the packaging (100% recyclable film).
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Development of a new bioPLA extrusion equipment with simultaneous injection of bioactive compounds, in a modular way, for the production of biofunctional mono and multilayer flexible films for food packaging.
The solution presented by the FLUI project aims at successfully obtaining innovative and disruptive equipment with the solutions present in the market (TRL6), for the production of biofunctional flexible films with flexibility, mono and multilayer, intended for the production of food packaging. The equipment will allow the extrusion of the biodegradable polymer of biological origin in parallel for the production of multilayer films and simultaneous integration of bioactive extracts. The matrix of the obtained film will be composed of a biodegradable bioplastic (PLA) obtained from waste, with biofunctionality achieved by the incorporation of bioactive extracts from agro-industrial waste.
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Straightening training, research and innovation capacities in the valorisation of biorenewable resources.
The Biomass4Synthons project aims to achieve scientific excellence at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon (Portugal), Institute of Organic Chemistry with Phytochemistry Centre Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria), Spartax Chemicals (Portugal) and Association BLC3 - Technology and Innovation Campus (Portugal), based on 4 objectives:
- To contribute to the access to new research avenues and to accelerate the discovery of new scaffolds for specific diseases;
- To motivate, stimulate and inspire younger researchers from FFUL and IOCCP-BAS through training and mentoring actions that further influence non-academic partners and the research community. The project relies on the skills and knowledge of the partner organisations in the fields of entrepreneurship, advanced organic synthetic methodologies, green chemistry, photoactivation, electron transfer processes, design of flow reactor devices and automation.
- To involve the non-academic partners SPARTAX CHEM (start-up company) and the BLC3 Association in the dissemination of scientific achievements and training expertise in various regions of Portugal and Bulgaria. Furthermore, a scientific and innovative improvement at regional and national level through the dissemination and communication of results in meetings, involving the regional and national R&D communities, taking advantage of the extensive experience of the partner institutions during public engagements. It is intended to strengthen public confidence through involvement activities and dissemination of real, clear and simple information on the subject of the project.
- An increased participation in international collaborative projects in the design of Biomass4Synthons through the integration of new and innovative tools of organic synthetic methodologies. This action is expected to contribute to the strategic objective of increasing the participation of FFUL and IOCCP-BAS researchers in European projects by 2023, with a 2.5-fold gain in the number of project proposals funded by 2023. Supported by the experience and connections of our partner institutions, networking events will be organised with the participation of project members, the scientific community and invited industry delegates. These actions are expected to promote a 30% increase in the total number of R&D and/or collaboration contracts between FFUL and IOCCP-BAS and industrial companies and SME start-ups.
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Integral valorisation of by-products resulting from mushroom production in bioextracts: improvement of quality, safety and optimisation of the economic metabolism of the production chain.
The MicoBioExtract consortium aims to develop research and development activities within the circular economy and biotechnology, through the valorisation of by-products and waste from mushroom production in a closed system for the production of new food ingredients and coatings.
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Boosting technologies of orphan legumes towards resilient farming systems in the Greater Mediterranean Region: from bench to open field.
The BENEFIT-Med project (Boosting technologies of orphan legumes towards resilient farming systems in the Greater Mediterranean Region: from bench to open field) has the overall objective of developing new technologies and farming practices to promote sustainable agricultural production in the Mediterranean region in a context of climate change. The area of action of this project will be in Seed Technology, where the focus is on developing new protocols for "biopriming" (bacterial inoculants) applied to underutilized and neglected legumes (also known as "orphan legumes") to increase seed vigor and crop productivity resulting from this practice.
P2P finBio
Peer-to-peer learning for financing innovation in the food and bioeconomy area.
The European P2P finBio project will help improve access to finance for European SMEs in the bioeconomy sector.
The consortium is composed of five European innovation support organisations working across the bioeconomy value chain, which recognise the need for cooperation, to improve the process of assisting SMEs, start-ups and spin-outs with access to finance. This consortium will work closely together to develop a best practice guide and national and European funding instruments.
The project will enable institutions supporting innovation and clusters in regions across Europe to improve mechanisms and methodologies to help SMEs obtain finance as a means of increasing competitiveness, growth and employment in Europe.
Inspiration guide in financing of innovation in agrifood & bioeconomy
Integrated approaches for the socio-economic boost of the sustainable production and consumption of Montesinho mushrooms.
The project aims to produce edible mushrooms, highly appreciated, in an ex-situ-controlled environment, which is extremely challenging and has only been achieved for a very small number of species, along with mycotourism and mycological education actions. Additionally, recycling of forest/land clearing material for the production of mushroom growth substrates will be applied as a sustainable approach to mimic the original biomass while avoiding devastating fires that can decimate biodiversity. In order to conserve this unique heritage, the creation of a mushroom germplasm bank of the Montesinho Natural Park is also proposed. An extensive nutritional/chemical/biological characterization will be carried out to guarantee the quality of the species produced and the preservation of their original characteristics. The development of a quality and safety seal, "Safe2Taste", which guarantees the traceability of the entire production chain, will promote consumer confidence/loyalty in these products. To this end, a restaurant chain will include the mushrooms produced in its menu and display the seal as a guarantee of their origin, quality and safety. As an additional dissemination channel, this will be linked to a digital platform of easy access to the consumer.
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Promotion and valorisation of the forest sector in central region
The project F4F - Forest For Future aims the valorisation of the forest sector in central region and has as main objective the demonstration and transfer of technologies and solutions that improve the added value in the forest sector in central region, with particular emphasis in the pine chain. It covers the various stages of the chain, from the plants to the final products, based on four fundamental pillars: "Plants and Nurseries", "Forest Management", "Industry" and "Multi-purpose Forest".
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Central Region Intelligent Innovation Ecosystem
Special Strategic Pilot Programme that aims at the implementation and consolidation of a Regional Ecosystem for Intelligent Innovation that, in a networking context, enhances the valorisation and transfer of knowledge and R&D+I results to the regional economy, duly aligned with the RIS 3 Centro, with a view to transforming innovative ideas into business initiatives, thus including activities of diverse spectrum.
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Promotion of the interior regions and their companies and products, demonstrating the quality of their products through the entities of the national scientific system.
The WinBio project aims to enhance the economic valorisation of R&D results and strengthen the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge to the business sector of the Interior Region for the promotion of a Circular and Sustainable Bioeconomy. Its main goal is to disseminate and implement the concept of Bioeconomy among the business sector of the Interior Region, characterized by low population density, reducing the level of investment and, simultaneously, creating a network of skills that will enhance the development of innovative solutions to leverage the development of sustainable circular bioeconomy industries, with high technological value and attracting highly qualified human resources. WinBio will focus on the economic valorisation of ongoing Bioeconomy-based projects and initiatives within the consortium entities in 4 major technological areas: endogenous biological resources and the agri-food, forestry and aquatic sectors.
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JOBS - Jump Over to Business Startup
The goal of the JOBS project is to give startups and entrepreneurs the necessary skills and connections to enter the market, utilizing the resources and networks available to its members.
The main goal of the JOBS - Jump over to Business Startup project is to give new businesses and entrepreneurs the necessary skills and connections to speed up their market entry, utilizing the resources and networks available from its members after the acceleration phase.
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CircularTech's goal is to address the issue of waste that has plagued humanity since the time of the industrial revolution. Waste has traditionally been viewed as a challenge to address; this Agenda seeks to shift the mindset and transform it into a valuable asset.
The goal of the CircularTech project is to incorporate smart solutions in handling the waste value chain, including local and/or regional storage logistics, transport optimization, and converting waste into a resource for reuse as a raw material. In every part of the waste chain, the goal is to gather additional information, generate understanding, utilize the insights derived from this data at each step of the process, engage and empower the public, devise solutions tailored to facilitate the reuse and enhancement of certain discarded items, and establish criteria and procedures for verifying and certifying waste management practices.
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Missão Interface
The primary goal of BLC3 is to lead in the research and development of biorefinery solutions, bioindustries, policies for the utilization of natural resources, and mass flows from economic activity to generate high-value bioproducts within the framework of Circular Economy.
BLC3 aims to be a R&DT+I leader in the development of biorefinery solutions, bioindustries, policies for the valorisation of natural resources and mass flows resulting from economic activity, to generate high added value bioproducts, based on the concept of Circular Economy. Additionally, it seeks to boost the concepts of "Bioeconomy" and "Smart Regions" in order to retain young people in inland regions and solve problems related to the environment, education and the lack of technological implementation in the agroforestry and agri-food sector, while establishing a link between the various stakeholders and decision-makers, companies, technology centres and higher education institutions.
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The goal of the PTCentroDIH project is to assist small and medium-sized enterprises as well as other public and private entities in the Centro Region to enhance their competitiveness by embracing digital transformation in their production processes, products, and/or services.
PTCentroDIH is a cooperative network comprising digital skills centers, working to promote and integrate cutting-edge digital technologies among businesses and other organizations in the Centro Region through the testing and implementation of different technologies.
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The primary objective of Incubação Centro 2016 is to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The business incubators of the Centro Region, collectively organized under RIERC (Rede de Incubadoras de Empresas da Região Centro), aim to solidify their role as pivotal platforms for supporting regional economic development initiatives. These incubators seek to collaborate with public entities, fostering joint efforts and cooperative actions as an effective strategy to achieve positive outcomes. Their mission includes promoting entrepreneurship, facilitating the establishment of new enterprises, and generating employment opportunities within the Centro Region.
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Innovation Ecosystem for Knowledge and Technology Transfer in the Central Region
A regional structuring programme that aims to consolidate and boost the INOVC+ Regional Innovation Ecosystem as an instrument to support the valorization and transfer of knowledge and technology to the regional economy, stimulating the transformation of R&TD results into new or improved products, services or productive and organizational processes, including actions of diverse spectrum duly aligned with RIS 3 Centro.
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