BLC3 Association - Technology and Innovation Campus is a non-profit association under private law and an R&D institution of the national scientific and technological non-business system, which was founded in May 2010 and began its activities in September 2011, with headquarters in Oliveira do Hospital, with an area of 38,000 m2, two poles in the Northern Region of Portugal, in Macedo de Cavaleiros and Alfandega da Fé, and a third one under development in Alentejo, resulting from the work carried out in that region, with the goal of creating regional symbioses.

The BLC3 brand and identity are associated with its flag and anchor project: Biorefineries. The name/acronym derives from Lignocellulosic Biomass and 3 from 3G – Microalgae; It aims at the development of bioindustries, biorefineries and bioproducts to replace petroleum derivatives, for the resolution and minimization of forest fires and the valorisation of lignocellulosic resources, contaminated effluents and materials.

BLC3 carries out the following activities

  1. Advancement of research and technological excellence, aligned with the principles of the complete invention cycle;
  2. Support for the incubation and development of innovative ideas and enterprises;
  3. Scientific and technological expertise to strengthen the socio-economic ecosystem; and
  4. Development R&I in the Bioeconomy and Circular Economy, with a strategic emphasis on biorefinery concepts.

As a result of a focus and leadership, BLC3 is the first and only entity in Portugal created for the development and industrialization of Biorefineries (2nd and 3rd generation) and the Bioeconomy and "Smart Regions". It acts nationally and internationally in strategic areas such as Biorefineries, Bioindustries and Bioproducts, with focus on Bioeconomy and Circular Economy. It also develops local and regional activities for the implementation of policies and strategies linked to the fixation of critical mass, the valorisation of endogenous resources and the territory.

Since its inception, BLC3 has already executed and attracted to the inner regions, as a promoting entity and in partnership, about 20.3 million euros, in a total of 55 R&TD projects. It is the one entity in the Interior Region of Portugal responsible for creating the most scientific and qualified technical jobs, in a set of +120 fully dedicated young researchers (average age of 29 years).

BLC3 has a structure and network of international excellence composed of 55 entities from 9 European countries and more than 150 researchers and scientists of excellence. An entity already recognized as (1) an interface structure, in ANI, and (2) a specialized R&DT unit, in FCT, denominated "Centre Bio R&D Unit", to strengthen the competences and research capacities of BLC3, composed of 36 researchers (7 foreign) of which 12 are PhD.

BLC3 conducts its operations through 4 MODULES, which have been developed and constructed, both physically and in terms of function, to fulfill the entire cycle of invention:

  • MODULE 1. R&TD Centre: R&TD Centre: the core module dedicated to conducting research and technological development activities;
  • MODULE 2. Support Centre for Innovative Projects and Ideas (CAPI): facilitates collaboration with the socio-economic sector to develop innovative projects, attract investment, and provide support through the Innovation and Creativity Management department and the Intellectual and Industrial Property Support Office;
  • MODULE 3. Incubator | BLC3: provides support for the incubation of ideas and businesses, with a particular focus on assisting young entrepreneurs and fostering ventures in the Bioeconomy and Circular Economy sectors.; and
  • MODULE 4. Business Centre: assistance in launching strategic R&I initiatives in the region, creating R&D hubs for businesses, and technological scaling in an industrialization framework.

To lead in R&D+i, regarding the development of solutions for biorefineries and bioindustries; as well as in the creation of policies for the valorisation of natural resources and mass flows, resulting from economic activity for the generation of high added value bioproducts, based on the concept of Circular Economy.

To stimulate Bioeconomy and "Smart Regions" concepts for the settling of critical mass and young people in inner regions and to solve environmental/education problems, as well as the lack of technological implementation in the agroforestry and agro-food sectors, turning them into opportunities.

To establish a link among stakeholders and decision-making agents, companies, technology centres and the academia.

To encourage a fresh perspective on innovation, research, science, creativity, quality, and the enhancement of the entrepreneurial mindset, thereby supporting the retention of critical mass and youth in rural areas and facilitating the development of new ideas, projects, and a new wave of entrepreneurs.

  • Biocant
  • College of Management and Technology of Oliveira do Hospital - IPC
  • Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry
  • National Laboratory of Energy and Geology
  • Municipality of Oliveira do Hospital
  • Portuguese Catholic University
  • University of Coimbra
  • University of Minho
  • Cultivate and link knowledge to the challenges and possibilities of the regions;
  • Attract a substantial and youthful demographic;
  • Promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of the local resources inherent to rural areas.
  • Improve overall quality of life and well-being; and
  • Advocate for the sustainable and intelligent use of space, leveraging Circular Economy principles to optimize resource efficiency.

  • Nomination for the ICIS Innovation Awards (2022);
  • Innovation Prize, awarded by Diário As Beiras newspaper (2018);
  • Green Award Project finalist in the "Efficient Management of Resources" category; (2018);
  • Finalist in the European Commission's Best Public Administration for StartUp, Start Up Europe Award 2016, in the Green Entrepreneurship category (2017);
  • RegioStars Award, given by the European Commission, in the "Sustainable Growth: Circular Economy" category (2016);
  • Top 10 Best Incubators in Europe, by The University Business Incubator (UBI) and by I3P - Business Incubator of Turin Polytechnic (2015);
  • Top 25 Best Incubators in the World, by The University Business Incubator (UBI) and I3P - Turin Polytechnic Business Incubator (2015);
  • "30 Most Important Brands of the Beira Serra Region" Award, by Rádio Boa Nova (2015);
  • 2nd Place in the European Enterprise Promotion Awards - EEPA, in the area of "Support for the development of green markets and resource efficiency" (2014);
  • Excellence Award: Technology and Innovation, awarded by Caixa Agrícola (2013).